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Best Operating System For Your PC in 2021 Windows, Linux and Mac

Hi, guys again I am shivanshu bring a new article for you which is "the best operating system for your pc" in this post we are going to talk about some concepts and your questions like - which operating system is best for gaming, the best operating system for hacking, the best operating system for programming, the best operating system for privacy, cheap operating system, etc. if you are the person who is finding these answers so I think this is your destiny read this article completely. so without wasting any time let's get started with our titled "Best Operating System For Your PC in 2020. Windows, Linux, and Mac".

Best Operating System For Your PC in 2020. Windows, Linux and Mac

Which operating system is best for programming?

it totally depends on yours that which of software or language you working on. there are some languages like C++, C, Python, Java etc.. you can use these programming languages in Windows, Linux, mac. 

I use windows for doing some kind of things like this because windows are really compatible and flexible for these but the only mistake I am facing is there are many types of programs running in the back-end which makes a windows computer slow. if you can afford mac then you should use it it's very fast and easy to use the main thing is mac is really optimised so you don't have any problem like running other or unwanted programs in the background and viruses. viruses are one of the most common things in the windows and I am sure if you are a windows user then you install an anti-virus program in your pc. but in mac, their eco-system is pretty closed so mac is really a safe option for your work. Kaili Linux is also an operating system. Kaili Linux is capable of programing but in my case, I used this software but not for a long period. just for some few days and I will say that it can be used as a programming machine but windows are more flexible and easy to use.

if you are making a .EXE type application then you should choose windows and if you are working for an apple software then you have to use a mac for Linux use Linux it's more comfortable.
some more like android if you are an android developer then you can use windows or mac both use the android studio.  I hope now you're all doubts are cleared if you still have any confusion then you ask you problem in the comment section below or go to Twitter to contact us.

The best operating system for gaming?

There are three main operating systems in the market are - Windows, Mac, and Linux. if you have any job like a programmer, video editor, photoshop etc. then you can choose Mac and Windows both the both are very compatible with this kind of application but for gaming, you have to choose Windows. Windows are more compatible with games but at the same time, Mac and Linux are very closed for gaming. I don't think that you can play games in mac or Linux so choose Windows. For productive work use Mac.

Best Operating System For Your PC in 2020. Windows, Linux and Mac

The best operating system for laptops?

For laptops, you don't have wide varieties of operating system. You can choose some operating systems like Windows and Linux. there is more operating system available for Laptops but they are pretty much useless, not optimise and low performance. If you have a budget then you can purchase a mac book by apple.

Best Operating System For Your PC in 2020. Windows, Linux and Mac

The best operating system for hacking?

For hacking, you need lot's of tools and as well as you have to hide your, IP, for hacking Kaili Linux is the best operating system you will get so many hacking tools there it makes easier your work and safe as well. Kaili Linux is very simple once you use it, it won't make you work harder and Kaili Linux is the favourite Operating system for Hacker and you don't have other options.
Best Operating System For Your PC in 2020. Windows, Linux and Mac

Windows vs Mac vs Kaili Linux

Windows - 

  • Windows are a very good operating system for Gamers, programmers, Video editor and photoshop users.
  • Windows is easy to use. it's not much complicated.
  • windows support every application.
  • In the windows operating system you have to use an anti-virus application. windows have lot's of viruses
  • windows are not much optimised for every type of computers and hardware.

Mac OS - 

  • Mac operating system is very good for productive work like programing, Video editing, photoshop etc.
  • Mac is not suitable for gaming.
  • Mac is an optimise os. it can give you maximum speed than others.
  • Mac does not support every application.
  • You no need to use anti-virus.
  • you can not use mac in every pc. mac is only available in apple computers.

Kaili Linux - 

  • Kaili Linux is not for Gaming purposes.
  • Kaili Linux is a very light operating system.
  • Anti-virus is not mandatory.
  • You can download KL from the official website.
  • most of the applications do not work in KL.

Which operating system is the best for privacy?

Linux is the best operating system in terms of privacy. Linux has no viruses and it's hard to find any loophole in it. most of the hackers and some non-profit organisations use this operating system for there servers and there work. if you also want to protect yourself from viruses then switch to Linux. Windows is the worst os in the terms of privacy every day thousands of viruses create for windows os.

Best Operating System For Your PC in 2020. Windows, Linux and Mac

What's The cheapest operating system in the market?

The cheapest operating system is Linux it's free, good, light and easy for us. for some time ago Microsoft makes its service "windows" free for all but if you have a free version then your os is showing to activate your windows so you need to pay for the service "windows" basically it's free but the free version had locked some features. if you are just a simple user and want to do your daily work then you should have a free version. you can have a mac os into an apple product only so apple is the most expensive product then Mac loses here and Linux or windows wins. 

Best Operating System For Your PC in 2020. Windows, Linux and Mac


In this post, we learned about operating systems. and we also discuss some topics like
  1. Which is the operating system for programming?
  2. The best operating system for gaming?
  3. The best operating system for hacking?
  4. Windows vs Mac vs Kaili Linux
  5. The best operating system for laptops?
  6. Which operating system is the best for privacy?
  7. What's The cheapest operating system in the market?
I hope you read all the paragraphs and you understand everything if you have any problem or doubts then ask me in the comment section below for all notification to subscribe to our website. you can see a bell icon on the right-bottom side of the screen please subscribe there to get notification of the latest posts. thank you.



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