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What is RAM? Difference between DDR2, 3, 4

What is RAM?

RAM stands for Random Access Memory, RAM is one of the most essential component of a computer everywhere like a PC, Laptop, Smartphone etc have RAM but now your thinking that why we need a RAM in our systems and why it's so important.

RAM is a storage device but RAM doesn't store your general data. when you open any application or a file in your system it stores into your RAM because RAM have more data transfer speed than any hard drive or SSD if we ignore RAM so the data came from your HDD and then process into your processor but it takes a lot's of time to do but ram gives data faster then your HDD to process. if I talk about A HDD speed so it is likely 60-150Mbps but in the RAM it can up to like 1333Mhz to 2133Mhz. we can't operate any system without any RAM but if we just imagine the speed of those computers who don't have a RAM so I will say it will be very slow and you can't run your heavy files in the system.

I hope now you understand what is a RAM and why we need it. if you have any query about this topic you can ask in the comment section below I will definitely try to answer as soon as p0ossible. 

What is RAM? Difference between DDR2, DDR3 or DDR4, What RAM should you purchase - Everything you need to know about RAM

Difference between DDR2, DDR3 or DDR4

I think you understand the concept of DDR versions by reading their name, for example, you guys are thinking that DDR3 RAM is more powerful than DDR2 and the same DDR4 is powerful than DDR3 there speed increase in every version "DDR" is like versions like in "intel" processors i3, i5, i7 etc DDR3 RAM is one of the common RAM Nowadays in every single computer you can find DDR3 because if you don't have tasks like video editing, coding, photoshop, designing etc then DDR3 RAM is enough for you but if you are doing some productive tasks like video editing so you need a DDR4 RAM for your computer. DDR2 version of RAM is pretty old and right now not even single company manufacture it or use in their systems.

What is RAM? Difference between DDR2, DDR3 or DDR4, What RAM should you purchase - Everything you need to know about RAM

What RAM should you purchase?

Now you are thinking that what RAM should you purchase which is better and value for money.
if you are thinking to buy a DDR2 RAM so bro please check your health or please stay connected with internet and explore about the computer because I don't think that DDR2 RAM is good for computers like now or they can process applications like nowadays.

DDR3 is a really powerful and useful version of RAM most of the manufacturer of the computer uses DDR3 RAM because it is cheaper and good for tasks like gaming, internet surfing and other common computer tasks 

DDR4 RAM is one of the best RAM version it is the fastest RAM and if you want to do some productive tasks then DDR4 RAM is best for you and I also recommend you to use this RAM for best computer experience.

What is RAM? Difference between DDR2, DDR3 or DDR4, What RAM should you purchase - Everything you need to know about RAM


In this post we learned about RAM, What is a RAM, difference between RAM's versions and what kind of RAM should you purchase our team working hard to give you the correct information so please give us feedback like what do you think about us, our user experience and about the information if you have any kind of query then you can ask us in the comment section or in our social media platforms for fast answer visit "Contact Us" page and please do comment thank you.



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