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How to Chroma Key in Mobile Phone, Premiere Pro, Filmora, etc

Welcome back Guys to another article and here we are going to know how you can remove background from your videos, Removing background is a part of video editing so we will use some video editing software, software like Adobe premiere pro, Filmora and Sony vegas pro. we will also learn how we can remove Background using a mobile phone and some things we should not do while removing background some Tips and a full explanation on things need to perform this effect like - Green screen, Application, System requirement, Lighting etc. If you are a video editor or want to be in future then this effect is one of the most important.

Premiere pro Basic Guide - Click here

How to Chroma Key in Mobile Phone, Premiere Pro, Filmora and Cyberlink PowerDirector

What is Chroma Key/Ultra key Effect?

    Things to avoid while performing Chroma key/ Ultra key Effect.

        Things to do while performing Chroma key/ Ultra key Effect.

          How to Chroma/Green Key Effect in Premiere Pro.

            How to remove the Green screen in filmora?

            How to remove the green screen in Cyberlink PowerDirector?

            How to use the green screen effect/chroma key effect in android? (Using Kinemaster ).

            What is Chroma key/ Ultra key Effect?

            First, we look at the name is there any difference between "Chrome key" and "ultra key", No, Both effect is same but in different software name changes, in some video editor you can see "chroma-key" and in some, you may see "ultra key" both are same so don't get confused between the terms being an editor you should learn some terms like - timeline, Video player, Effects library or effects, Media or Media library it's a professional language okay. 

            So back to the point in this effect the subject or in simple language you standing front of a green colour cloth and in the post-production we remove all green colour area from the footage and in the end left is only those who don't have any green colour related thing means you after that you can put any background behind like an image or a video. this effect has been using since video editing started mostly use in movies and news, but now it's using by many YouTubers generally I am sure you have sawed a video where an unrealistic background playing behind the subject if you do still not understand you can go to youtube and search about "green screen effect".

            Things to avoid while performing Chroma key/ Ultra key Effect

            1. Make sure your Green screen is smooth there are no wrinkles on it, if you find some wrinkles remove them with the help of an iron, any wrinkle can make this process more complicated.
            2. maintain a few meters distance between you and the green screen.
            3. use proper lights to highlight the subject or you can place a light behind the green screen to make green colour easier to remove during post-production.
            4. Check your hands are under the green screen area cause if your hands getting out of the screen it won't make the effect correctly
            5. avoid shadow, the shadow behind you on the green screen make the colour darker and in the post-production shadow will make the effect unrealistic, to avoid shadows use proper lights.

            How to Chroma Key in Mobile Phone, Premiere Pro, Filmora and Cyberlink PowerDirector

            Things to do while performing Chroma key/ Ultra key Effect

              1. Use a high-quality camera for this effect you can use the iPhone also if you don't have any camera.
              2. Use a high specification system.
              3. A high-quality video editing software for fast and better output.
              4. shoot your video on natural sunlight.
              5. It's not necessary to use a green colour screen you can use any colour, majority of the time people uses green colour because people did not wear that colour cloth mostly, second most used colour is blue, but make sure you don't wear that same colour cloth.

              How to Chroma/Green Key Effectively in Premiere Pro

              • Import your media files to Premiere pro.
              • Drag your media files to the timeline.
              • Go to the effects control panel and adjust the scale of the video to match it to the frame.
              • Use opacity option chose pen tool and create a mask around the subject, remove all unwanted parts, Edges of the video and all dark part.
              • Open effects library and search for "Ultra key" drag effect to your video
              • Now in the effects control panel scroll down and use "key colour" and select green.
              • In the option "output" change it to "alpha channel", This option will show you the remaining things after removing the background if any green left there you can identify it.
              • Adjust Transparency and shadow option to remove if anything left there.
              • Drag your Background to the timeline under the green screen footage. 
              • That's it you successfully removed and applied background. for any query ask me in the comment section or on my social media accounts.

              How to Chroma Key in Mobile Phone, Premiere Pro, Filmora and Cyberlink PowerDirector

              How to remove the Green screen in filmora?

              • Import your media files in filmora.
              • Drag and drop your media files to the timeline.
              • Right-click on the green screen video and select "crop", adjust your video ratio.
              • Again right-click and select "Green screen"
              • Use the picker tool and select the green colour from the media player
              • adjust some more other options until the green screen disappears completely.
              • Hope you got your answer, for any query ask me in the comment section or on my social media accounts.

              How to remove the green screen in Cyberlink PowerDirector?

              Cyberlink PowerDirector is one of the most popular video editing software for beginners
              it's easier to use, Let Know how you can use this for removing the green screen.

              • Open your PowerDirector.
              • Import your media files to the software.
              • Drag and drop media files to the timeline.
              • Click on the Green screen video and go to "Modify", You can spot the "Modify" option on the head of the timeline.
              • Now a new window opens and in the object settings, there is an option called "Chroma key" Tick the option then select green colour there.
              • Adjust some more settings as you need.
              • Now, all done. I hope you successfully removed the green screen for any query go to comment section or my social media links for the fast reply.

              How to use the green screen effect/chroma key effect in android? (Using Kinemaster )

              It's time to know how you can remove the green screen using your Android Mobile Phone, We are going to use an application called "Kinemaster". Kinemaster is a popular application for video editing in Mobile phone, Definitely, it's Not that much power if you're comparing any Desktop/Laptop but it can be used for basic video editing. I used kinemaster and I think that it's an ok Application but the best application for Mobile phone users.

              • Start your application
              • Some options you can see there, there is a plus option click on it and select your video ratio.
              • Import your green screen video and the background you want to apply to it.
              • Search for Chroma key and adjust those settings.
              • The background should be black and the subject should be white.
              • And then click on the "check" button and export your video.
              • Now, all done. I hope you successfully removed the green screen for any query go to comment section or my social media links for the fast reply.

              How to Chroma Key in Mobile Phone, Premiere Pro, Filmora and Cyberlink PowerDirector

               Green Screen Objects.

              There are a Lot's of Green screen videos available on the internet. In the videos, lots of objects are there like Helicopter, animals, Dianasors etc. you can use those videos for your videos and learning purpose.

              Example: Click here


              We have learned in the post:

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