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Subscriber Button in Blogger/Wordpress Websites 2021

Web Notification Pusher

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Today we're gonna talk about a very important tool for your blog. it will help you to gain more traffic, helps you to communicate with your audience, and create a relationship with your loyal users who are interested to read your article. In YouTube, we have a default notification pusher tool, whenever a YouTuber posts a video YouTube automatically reminds users. but in blogger, we have to do everything on our own. In this process, we will create a personal notification pusher or subscriber button. It's really important to regain the audience when a blogger post a new article it became really crucial to get visitors, there are some ways you can gain more views through - ads, social media, organic searches and sending notification to your audience.

Okay, So in this post we will use 2 tools, first "One Signal" and second "Truepush". Both of the tools are pretty famous for their free and easy service. This process won't be extremely complicated, in fact, it's very easy if you follow the instruction then I am sure you will definitely complete this task. Choose one tool that you feel very compatible with and fast. do not use both tools together. 

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What is One Signal?

One Signal is an online marketing company, One signal provides an online Web pusher notification service for Websites, Apps, SMS, and E-mail. Over 1 Million businesses have been registered in One signal. One Signal is a useful tool for bloggers if you have a website then one signal provides a free web notification pusher. It is a fast and reliable service to improve user experience and regain your previous users.

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What is TruePush?

TruePush is an online notification pusher tool, TruePush also provides services like RSS-to-push, Audience segmentation, Triggers, Project Duplication, etc. TruePush Delivers approx 1 Billion Notification per day. TruePush is a remarkable online application but still, it's smaller than One Signal. Both Truepush and One Signal has their own pros & cons., I have given a chart that helps you to identify which notification pusher is best for you.

Which is Best For You?

Both Tools Truepush and One Signal have their own strengths and weaknesses, Let's discuss which one tool provides the most important features. The data I've shown in this paragraph is a source from the official websites of Truepush and One signal.

One Signal -


Free access to:

Limited Personalization
Unlimited API Sends
Intelligent Delivery
A/B Testing
GDPR Compliant


All features from Free +
Standard Personalization
Advanced In-App Messaging
List Uploads
Confirmed Delivery
GDPR Compliant + DPA


All features from Growth +
 Advanced Personalization
 CSV Exports
 Advanced Analytics
 Custom Event Tracking
 24/7 Prioritized Email


All features from Professional +
 Custom Segments & Tags
 Custom Contract, SLA & DPA
 Onboarding & 24/7 Support
 Admin Controlled 2FA
 Advanced User Permissions

True push - 


Up to 50k Subscribers/ Website
Unlimited websites
Unlimited Simple Notifications
Unlimited RSS feeds
Unlimited Audience Segments
Unlimited APIs
Free WordPress Plugin
Free Shopify Plugin(Coming soon)


Up to 100K Subscribers/ Website
Unlimited websites
Unlimited Simple Notifications
Unlimited RSS feeds
Unlimited Audience Segments
Unlimited APIs
Free WordPress Plugin
Free Shopify Plugin(Coming soon)

How to install One Signal?

One Signal Signup

Enter Your Details eg - Email, name, and password. You can also Signup via Google, Facebook and Github.

After Signup, you must be having a welcome message (Welcome to One Signal. Let's get started.)
Welcome Notification

Put the name of your website and select the "Web Push" Button, Click On Next.

#1 Chose Integration - If you are a Blogger/WordPress user, select the middle option "WordPress Plugin or Website Builder". Select your CMS (Content Management Service) eg - Blogger, WordPress, etc.


#2 Blogger Site Setup - Enter Your Site Name, Site URL Example -, Upload an Icon and enter a label for your site eg - techconqueror.


#3 Permission Prompt Setup - Click on the default "Slide Prompt", You can add anything here or change the default settings.

Permission Prompt Setup

#4 Welcome Notification ( Optional ) - In this option, you get a few more customization options to improve your interface.

#5 Advance - We have more technical options which we really don't need at all. Just click on the Save button.

Welcome Notification ( Optional )

#6 Add Code To Site - Copy the given code, Go To Blogger's Dashboard>Theme>Edit Theme and Paste the code between <head> to </head>.

Code Setup

Setup code 2 .webp


Final Check - Open your website and after a moment you saw a notification pop-up.

How to install TruePush?

True Push Registration

Put your details eg - Name, E-mail, and Password, Tick "I accept Privacy Policy" and click on the "Signup" button.

Create a project.

#1 New Project Details - Fill in your Project name ( eg - TechConqueror ), and click on the "web" button.

Create Project

#2 Add Website - Enter your website's URL ( eg - ) remember you don't have to enter "HTTPS", Upload your website's Icon or Logo.

website info

#3 Opt-in Style - You can change the style of the notification, I would suggest you use the "Browser default".

#4 Welcome Notification - You can also enable Welcome Notification, Tick the check box and enter a custom welcome notification.

#5 Safari Browser - I will recommend you to let this setting by default. and click on the Save button.

True push Notification Code

#6 Notification Code - After clicking on the "Save" button you get your code, Copy the code and go to Blogger's Dashboard>Them>Edit HTML, Search <Body, and paste the given code just below to the <Body tag.

Open your website and check the notification pop-up.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

1. What Does it cost to create a notification bell?

It depends, Every tool have different plans but most of the notification provides limited free service if your a small blogger and don't have huge subscriber base than you can use this service for even free.

2. Does notification bell improve SEO?

Notification bell is a new way to engage the audience, it helps to gain more audience but there is no such report which claims that google really prefers sites that have notification bell.

3. Does the notification bell decrease the site loading speed?

No, there are many other factors that can seriously impact your site loading speed like Image, Text quantity, unnecessary code and etc.

4. Is Web Pusher tools stole data of your site and your users?

Yes, Web Pusher tools store data of your site and user, but we still don't know how many data category they stores, I will suggest you use a reliable tool with high ratings to maximize your data security. Read the Privacy policy of web pusher tools.


Notification pusher tools are a popular and trending way to regain your loyal audience. I hope that all of your question related to this topic has been cleared. In this article, we have discussed and deeply understand the concept related to Notification bell, Subscriber Button, or Web Notification pusher. If you have any problem then comment or visit our Social media platforms, Use Twitter for instant reply or you can go to our Contact us page.


  1. Hey Shivanshu Sharma,

    Well-written post. It is my first time commenting on your blog post and am glad to say that you have done a fantastic work and introduced great steps to install one signal app and True push app. I really like the way you have presented things in such a step-by-step process guide making a concept very clear and easy to understand. Your each listed steps ( including images ) are so clear, well-elaborated and easy to follow. Considering your steps will be a great helping hand.

    After gong through this complete guide i got ideas and am sure that this post will definitely help lots of people and readers.

    Very useful and keep sharing more similar post.



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